BOXED IN - #2 of 4 (24 x 48 Gallery Wrapped Canvas) or 10 Months Interest Free with Art Money
BOXED IN - #2 of 4 (24 x 48 Gallery Wrapped Canvas) or 10 Months Interest Free with Art Money
BOXED IN SERIES #2 of 4 (24x48 Gallery Wrapped Canvas)
Being true to yourself is a daily challenge. This acrylic mixed media series was inspired by that challenge. Another collage piece with several emphasizing focal points. Daring yourself to break boundaries and restrictions and approach a level unexpected by others. The frames represent the containment self-inflicted and allow others to. Outside the frames represents the struggle, strife, the different paths taken to eventually claiming freedom of choice. The differences in the collage pieces represent the multi layers that exist within us and once these pieces are strategically placed or moved around, emotionally, love life, financially, spiritually, the struggle exist. It’s overwhelming. Dare yourself to be regardless. May be painful and inconvenient to others, but freedom to you.
A mixed media combination of acrylic paint, collage work and wooden frames.